Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Use Siri for Directions in South Africa

It appears in iOS 7.0.6 that you can ask Siri for directions to any of your contacts(if you've added their address to them) or a specific address. Asking for directions to the closest restaurant still isn't supported.

As of iOS 7 , this work around sadly no longer works :'(

You all know by now, Siri for iOS (iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad) is a wonderful feature where we can ask her, or him, to do some things for us such as run timers, set reminders, cancel meetings, look for notes, remember who's your daddy, etc. Of course you can also ask her for directions to your friends' place, to a city, some landmark or any address in your contacts. And if you try, you'll probably get something like this:

A big fat NO in your face.
If Apple doesn't support your country with directions for Siri you get nothing.
Although you can manually get directions in Apple Maps and it works okayishly. In South Africa we do have Maps support, meaning we can look for places using Maps through Siri but it wont help you get there automatically, you'd have to do a few taps in the Maps app for that and you will be able to get Voice Guided Navigation which is officially supported by Apple in South Africa.

When looking at iOS Feature Availability you'll see under the Siri section that "Siri Directions" is only available to 14 countries, none of which is named South Africa, Siri just told us when we tried. In contrast Maps Directions is available to about 96 countries and Standard Maps is available to about 181 countries.

So people, we just can't have a mini electronic creature giving us our directions here in good ol' South Africa ...

unless you know how to fool said creature , which is surprisingly easy.

Here I've successfully gotten the darn thing to get me directions to Soweto, as an example of a local area. Why don't you go ahead and try do the same thing if you can, it's quite simple. It's very possible to look for business's listed and get directions to them or even local restaurants, or to your work(if for some reason you don't know how to get there) through Siri.

The trick is not to ask for directions but rather to get a result of the distance between two places.
Such as "What is the distance between 'here' and 'work' ?"

The Trick

And that's all there is to it, you can use this method for restaurants and business's

Directions to a nearby Spur and a specific company
So you ask for the distance between here and where you want to go, Siri will think about it for a bit and suddenly you will start being guided to your destination as Apple intended, indirectly. Go now and good luck playing around with Siri and Directions in South Africa unofficially!!

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